
Thursday 27 June 2019

Literacy Series

WALT think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information


Reflection: We have been working on our literacy series for 2 weeks now. I worked with my friend Shaie but we did different slides though.
My favourite slide was the sleeping one it was fun learning about sleeping and how dreams work. I'm really proud of myself for my introduction in the sleeping slide but I still need to work on getting more work and facts down on the slides that I do. I also really enjoyed learning about my star sign and my possible personality's and traits, and learning about what my friends star signs are.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Squared Numbers

WALT square whole numbers
 Reflection: This week we have been learning about squared numbers this activity is pretty simple if you know your times tables. I'm proud of myself for knowing what the answers were quickly and helping my friends if they needed it. I just wish i got the rest of my work done on time maybe next time i will sit with the teacher for help.

Friday 7 June 2019


WALT: analyse kindness as on of our school value

Reflection: We have been learning Kindness for the last week or so and we had to make a slide about kindness. Kindness looks like including everyone, Kind words, using your manners etc. This was actually pretty hard to make but I got help from my friend Shaie. (We helped each other)