
Tuesday 6 August 2019


 WALT sort out decimals and fractions

Recount: This term we have been learning about Algebra and decimals in a little group of 5 girls Shaie, Tia, Manaia, Eva and I while the rest of the class does SSR. Yesterday we made a whole using sheets of paper then Miss Fleet asked us to cut them into 10ths but we struggled to to that. (We never got to finish it.)

Then today we sorted out fractions and decimals that are the same. We struggled with 30/100 and 0.3 Me, Eva and thought yes its the same but Tia disagreed with us Miss Fleet taught us that it is the same. I'm proud that we got to finish it on time and able to do my blog.

But we did muck around heaps by blowing the papers around and like always we argued with each other. but got it done quick even though we had to restart because it got to messy to be honest it was quiet fun to do completely different maths work then the rest of the class. 

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