
Wednesday 4 December 2019


Walt be creative with poetry

For the last couple of weeks we have been doing poetry. At first I decided to do it by myself, then me and Eva found out we could do it together, so we did. we have made 2 poems together and some separate ones. I'm proud of myself for at least making 1. i have made two poems could "Food" and "Friends". The poem I am most proud of is "Neverland" made by Eva and I. I think that this was a fun activity to get our minds working and to just know how to write proper poems.

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Walt identify 2D shapes

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Monday 16 September 2019

Monday 2 September 2019


WALT create a poster about Variable

Wednesday 28 August 2019


WALT summarise the text.

Monday 26 August 2019


WALT use the order of the operation

Monday 19 August 2019


WALT create a short film about Ihumātao

For the last few weeks we have been learning about Ihumātao which is about the Fletcher building on land that the Maori own. and our task was to make a interview about it. I'm impressed with the fact that we didn't argue we always argue but this time we didn't that's a good thing. Miss Fleet trusted us enough to let us go down to the hall by our selves and get the costumes to get to the costumes me and Manaia had to go through a danger zone. We went a bit off track with 
the clown but we went with it.

I'm proud of our work though I think that our film is pretty good  but that's just my opinion. Yet we need to work on getting our work done way faster. I don't know how many times we got told to come up to class.

Tuesday 6 August 2019


 WALT sort out decimals and fractions

Recount: This term we have been learning about Algebra and decimals in a little group of 5 girls Shaie, Tia, Manaia, Eva and I while the rest of the class does SSR. Yesterday we made a whole using sheets of paper then Miss Fleet asked us to cut them into 10ths but we struggled to to that. (We never got to finish it.)

Then today we sorted out fractions and decimals that are the same. We struggled with 30/100 and 0.3 Me, Eva and thought yes its the same but Tia disagreed with us Miss Fleet taught us that it is the same. I'm proud that we got to finish it on time and able to do my blog.

But we did muck around heaps by blowing the papers around and like always we argued with each other. but got it done quick even though we had to restart because it got to messy to be honest it was quiet fun to do completely different maths work then the rest of the class. 

Tuesday 30 July 2019


WALT create a film with each other

Recount: last Friday we had the opportunity to make a film with a small group. I went with Tia, Eva, Shaie and Manaia we made a film called Tweenage Mutant Ninja Humans

I was the Ninja in Grey and Producer, Eva was Ninja in Pink, Tia was the Director, Shaie was the Bad Guy and Manaia was the Victim.

We had fun making this film we did argue a lot but after the arguing we got the film done. What surprised me most was that everyone voted our film for the best.

It started with 3 ninjas (Manaia, Eva and I) then the bad guy came and pushed the Manaia off the park (Shaie) as Ninja in Grey and Ninja in pink fought the bad guy (Emma, Eva and Shaie) Then we dragged her alone the ground to a secret room and left her there hoping                                                                        she won't wake up... to be continued.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Literacy Series

WALT think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information


Reflection: We have been working on our literacy series for 2 weeks now. I worked with my friend Shaie but we did different slides though.
My favourite slide was the sleeping one it was fun learning about sleeping and how dreams work. I'm really proud of myself for my introduction in the sleeping slide but I still need to work on getting more work and facts down on the slides that I do. I also really enjoyed learning about my star sign and my possible personality's and traits, and learning about what my friends star signs are.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Squared Numbers

WALT square whole numbers
 Reflection: This week we have been learning about squared numbers this activity is pretty simple if you know your times tables. I'm proud of myself for knowing what the answers were quickly and helping my friends if they needed it. I just wish i got the rest of my work done on time maybe next time i will sit with the teacher for help.

Friday 7 June 2019


WALT: analyse kindness as on of our school value

Reflection: We have been learning Kindness for the last week or so and we had to make a slide about kindness. Kindness looks like including everyone, Kind words, using your manners etc. This was actually pretty hard to make but I got help from my friend Shaie. (We helped each other)

Friday 31 May 2019

Team building Egg

Team Building

make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Today in team building Me, Eva, Manaia and Tia got our egg out if the vinegar. It was a bit cracked so the yolk was hanging out of the egg shell. But we still did the experiment as we tried to pick it up but the egg yolk just popped right out. it felt very weird at first. But I got use to the feeling. as we walked over Tia poked the yolk and it started to leak, it was like a small volcano. I through the egg on the ground as we were suppose to see if it would bounce, it didn't it just splattered. So me and Eva have made another egg.  

Thursday 30 May 2019

Team building catapult.



WALT show our school values in team building.

Today for team building we made marshmallow catapults at first we made a bad catapult it wasn't stable but it sored pretty far it held up until we shot the marshmallow, we named our marshmallow Gregly. Tia had pulled it apart while me and Eva ate the marshmallows. Our second round we did way better we made it quicker but everyone had made the same so we thought of something else to draw on the marshmallows we felts we named our marshmallow Sphen he didn't sore far but we had fun.     

Thursday 16 May 2019

How to find the perimeter of irregular shapes

WALT find the perimeter of irregular shapes

Reflection: For the last week or so we have been learning
about the perimeter and how to find it. Me and my friend
Tia made this slide I did the animation and backgrounds
and she did the writing. 

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Measurement and geometry

WALT find the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes.

Reflection: For the last week or so, we have been learning about Measurement and Geometry. The main thing we have learnt about Perimeter ans Area.

I felt a little confused at first but with a little help from my friends and the teacher I finally figured it out.

I'm am proud that I can finish it on time instead of staying in and finishing it at lunch time. 

Monday 13 May 2019

Kia Tika

WALT share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa School

Reflection: Kia Tika is important because it makes it easier for teachers to teach you when you respect them. It helps you and your learning.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Digestive System Survival Story

WALT think critically about texts and respond accordingly

Reflection: This week we read two texts, we read some facts about the digestive system. We also read a story about Ted Alvarez and his friend having to survive out in the wilderness eating mice and building traps. And then I had to write a recount on both Digestive System and a Survival Story.

I was surprised that they cooked and ate rats. I couldn't believe that they got used to the taste of rodents (I wouldn't). The paragraph about the chalky water gave me chills up my spine. I agree with "Accidents can happen but if you know how to stay warm, make fire, make shelter, find and water, the anxiety that can come with wilderness mishaps fades"  

I am surprised how much facts I learnt about the digestive system and how to survive in the wilderness. My work shows that I didn't get distracted and  I used all my time wisely to get my work done at the best of my abilities.



Friday 3 May 2019


WALT: create a slide based on what happened on ANZAC day. Reflection: This was a fun activity


WALT think critically about texts and respond accordingly

 Reflection: I think that I need more info on what is the skeleton system, also the Caught in an Avalanche is not a true story

Tuesday 2 April 2019


Walt: create a slide about sentences Reflections: this was a easy task to do but i need to work on getting more info down and working faster

Why the treaty of Waitangi was established?

Walt: create a slide about why the treaty of Waitangi was established. Reflection: I found that this slide was quiet hard to make. finding all of the info was the hardest to do. next time I think I could try to speed up a bit when finding the facts about Waitangi.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

inspirational quotes

We are learning to understand copyright

Quote: The sun'll come out tomorrow

Reflection: I chose this song because its catchy and hopefully the sun comes out tomorrow